Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vineyard and Wine Tasting

We had unique experience this week in that we got to take a trip to an Italian vineyard. We were taken through the rows of grapes and were shown how to tell based on the leaves what the final product would be like. Then they brought us to where they make the wine in giant holding tanks each kept at a specific temperature. This vineyard also grew hazelnuts so we made sure to collect some of those along the way.

CEA provided us with a massive lunch which was delicious (as most Italian foods are). It was complete with homemade pasta, fried vegetables, and a fancy bruschetta mozzarella side. Then there was a course of potatoes and meatballs, and we finished with a cream and chocolate dessert. There were five different wines served with lunch, two white and three red. We got to try each of them and see which we liked and didn't like.

After lunch we had an hour to ourselves before we had to get back on the bus. We were all pretty sleepy from the wine so we just napped in the fields out back. It was a beautiful day for it too, cooler in the countryside than it was in Rome. I bought a bottle of my favorite white wine we tried and Dana bought her favorite red wine (both of which they gave to us for a pretty good price) at the end of the day. It was definitely something I wasn't planning on doing until I was in my 40s, but it was a great experience I would love to do again someday.

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