Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We finished up Barcelona by heading to Gaudi Park, which was well worth the trip. It was essentially a sculpture park full of mosaic art everywhere. It was a lot bigger than we had anticipated on the map, but I think we covered a lot of ground in the time we were there.

We were able to make our train to Sevilla and we fell in love with the city the minute we got out of the cab. It’s full of tiny streets and alleyways that go in every direction. They were lined with shops, restaurants, and bars in assorted colors. Sevilla is known for it’s red and yellow-orange colored buildings specifically. We explored for a little while before going to get tapas. At the restaurant a man placed a one-month puppy right on our table. It was precious! We ordered paella (a typical rice dish, with seafood looking right at us…), meatballs in orange sauce, and stuffed eggplant. After dinner we got quite lost wandering the streets without a map but we were able to find our way back eventually

The next morning we went on a free tour of the city (much like the one we did in Barcelona). Our guide Brian was a slightly awkward redhead who was still new to Sevilla. We learned a lot but it wasn’t the greatest tour. After that we found another restaurant where we ordered a fried ham and cheese roll, croquets (fried potato balls), and a Spanish tortilla (kind of like an egg bake potato thing). After our feast we ventured up the Giralda Tower. I took a few shots of Dana and Kate standing on the edge (heights still aren’t my thing) and we wandered around the beautiful church below. It’s the third largest in Europe, coming behind St. Paul’s in London, and St. Peter’s in Rome.  


At night we got some food to make sandwiches to eat on our hostel’s terrace. It overlooked the whole city (think Agraba’s roofs from Aladin). Then went to find churros, but somehow ended up finding dessert instead. I got a frozen chocolate cake, Kate got a vanilla chocolate cake, and Dana of course got gelato. Our hostel offered various activities for pretty cheap so we did one that included a Flemenco show and a bar crawl.  The Flemenco was incredible; she was extremely talented as were the singer and the guitarist. There was so much passion and intensity, it was fascinating to watch. Then we went to three separate bars across Sevilla to end at a nightclub, which was another fun cultural experience.

We checked out in the morning and headed to the train station. Next stop Madrid!

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