Friday, September 23, 2011

Pizza and Gelato Crawl + ROMA football? Yes please!

This week we went on a Pizza and Gelato crawl with our guides from CEA. They brought us to two of the best pizza places in the city. We started out with what they called a snack pizza you could choose blanca (white crust) or rosa (crust and sauce). Naturally I chose rosa and proceeded to spill sauce onto my white tank top on the first stop haha. But we moved on to a real pizza place where I had one slice of potato pizza and another with tomatoes and spices. Next they brought us to a famous coffee shop in Rome where we had what's called granita di caffe con panna, which was an iced coffee treat with whipped cream essentially. That was amazing, I will most definitely be going back. Then the last stop was to a gelateria where I got two flavors: Bueno (The candy bar) and Foresta Nera (Black Forest). Both of which are officially my two new favorite flavors. So overall I'd say it was a success!

The next night a bunch of us went to the Roma football game, which ended up being a lot of fun. Everyone got really into the game with their flags, scarves and chants. It was kinda funny because tickets for women were 6 euro but men's tickets were 13 euro. I think they have had issues with having rowdy crowds in the past so this is their way of deterring this. So that was nice perk getting a discount. Unfortunately the game tied 1 to 1 and everyone went home. I'm so used to always having a clear winner and loser so this seemed strange to me when they just left it at that. We got pretty lost trying to find our way back home and it ended up taking almost two hours to get back. But we got to see a lot more of the city along the way so no one was really that bent out of shape about it.

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