Thursday, September 1, 2011

Arriving in Rome!

Late last night we finally arrived in Roma! We somehow made all FIVE of our train connections (barely, with a little help of an Australian man traveling amidst a midlife crisis who happened to be on ALL our trains). Our train went right along the coast of France, which was beautiful. We were right on the water most of the way and I’m so glad we got to see all the pretty mountain beach towns.

We slept in until 11:30 today trying to catch up on some sleep. After finally dragging ourselves out of bed we walked to a grocery store and had picnic in the park (with wifi!).  Then we walked to a little shop I tried my first ever gelato, which was a-mazing (chocolate of course).  Then went and got a slice of cheap authentic Italian Pizza for dinner. We had plenty of time to just chill and re-pack for the first time all trip. It was so nice to not have to worry about catching any trains, or seeing any sights, we could just relax. We get to move into our apartments tomorrow! Ciao!

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