Friday, August 26, 2011

The night Eiffel in love with Paris!

Yesterday we woke up early to go to the Louve museum. My friend Flora knew someone who worked there so she let us pass the line and get in for free! The museum itself is huge and just as decorated as the artwork inside of it. I think I would still tour the building even if the paintings were gone. We saw the Mona Lisa of course (along with the other hundred tourists trying to take pictures). Then we all split a giant baguette sandwich for lunch and a cheese crepe. 

We headed back to our hostel to say goodbye to Charlie and made sure all his train and hostel information were correct. He decided that he didn’t want to come with us to Toulouse at the last minute and he booked a train to Rome, so now it’s just the girls.

Later that night we went to visit an impressionist museum that had work from Monet and Van Gogh. This one however didn’t allow pictures so we just looked for an hour or so before we met up with my French friends Flora and Amaury at the arch outside the Louve.

They both were excellent tour guides, showing us even more of the city than Flora already had. We saw more buildings than we would have ever known existed, and learned little things about each one. They took us to a giant department store where we found a phone that was 125000 Euro (don’t worry Dad I know that’s not in my budget)! Then they took us to the most amazing bakery where they bought us an entire box of macaroons, which are adorable delicious cookies I’ve ever had in my life. We walked to the Arch de Triumph and then on the way back we stopped at a bar to rest our feet for a bit. I tried a fruity drink called an Empire, which we all deemed to be the most delicious drink we’ve tried so far.

Pictured Below: The most delicious (and only) French macaroons I've ever had!

We said our goodbyes to Amaury and Flora at the train station and promised to see each other again soon!

It’s sad to be leaving Paris already, but today we’re off to stay with my friend Maxime in Toulouse, France! 

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